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Welfare boundaries

The objective of social policies is to address the issue of vulnerability defined as a lack of resources. However, previous research during the first phase of the NCCR LIVES has shown that social policies are deeply ambivalent: being in welfare certainly provides access to resources and programmes, but these are subject to conditions and constraints that are themselves sources of stress. The originality of the research we conduct in IP205 is to examine these dynamics in parallel. It will enable us to understand which previous trajectories lead to the acceptance of welfare or to non-take-up and what the implications of these two statuses are on vulnerability in a life-course perspective.

During Phase 1 (2011-2014), this project was entitled "Overcoming vulnerability to unemployment: Possibilities and limits of the so-called "active" social policies" (IP5).


Jean-Michel Bonvin


Prof. Felix Bühlmann, Prof. Fabrizio Butera, Prof. Jörg Dittmann, Prof. Carlo Knoepfel, Prof. Daniel Stoecklin, Prof. Jean‐Pierre Tabin
Dr. Emilie Rosenstein

Doctoral students
Yann Bochsler, Laura Cristina Amaro Galhano, Francesco Laruffa, Frédérique Leresche

Research assistant
Karine Clerc

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