Directed by
- (2019) FORS. How healthy are single mothers living in Switzerland? in "The achievements of the Swiss Household Panel. 20 years - Where did we come from and where will we go".
- (2018) Supporting Lone Parents and their Children in Europe, Insights from a dialogue between researchers and policy makers.
- (2016) Struffolino E., Bernardi L., Voorpostel M. Selbstberichteter Gesundheitszustand, Erwerbstatus und Bildungsniveau alleinerziehender Mütter, SKBF - Schweizerische Koordinationsstelle für Bildungsforschung, ISSN 1013-6258.
- (2016) Struffolino E. Mehrfach benachteiligt. Wie Bildung, Job und Einkommen die Gesundheit alleinerziehender Mütter in der Schweiz prägen, in “Familie 2016. Arbeit, Gesundheit und Partnerschaft im Kontext” WZB-Mitteilungen Nr. 153.
- (2016) Struffolino E., Bernardi L. One-parent households in Switzerland. Continuity and change over time, in Demos - Demographic information, ”Family, migration” - No. 1 June 2016. Neuchâtel. Swiss Federal Statistical Office.
- (2015) Report « Changing families and single parenthood».
LIVES Impact - Policy briefs
- (2018) Lone parenthood in the life course: a future challenge for social policy? LIVES IMPACT Nº7.
- (2019) Vulnerability of lone parents: Social policy support makes all the difference
- (2017) The boundaries of single parenthood are blurred. A new book helps to take stock
- (2016) How families evolve in Switzerland: The NCCR LIVES' analyses for Swiss statistics
- (2015) Threats and opportunities facing single-parent families from a grassroots perspective
- (2014) The couple, surprise and omnipresent guest at the forum on single parenthood
- (2014) Single parenthood: an increasingly common situation, but a concept that needs to be redefined
- (2012) Survey on the many faces of single parenthood in Switzerland
Press clippings
- Alleinerziehende als Armutsfalle - Zeitshrift für Sozialhilfe - 03.2020
- Neuchâtel: près d'un tiers des familles monoparentales à l'aide sociale - ArcInfo - 22.02.2018
- Pour en finir avec le misérabilisme - La Presse + - 16.06.2014
- Les multiples visages de la monoparentalité - Revue Sources - 01.04.2013