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Education and employment

This project proposes a research programme to improve our understanding of the factors affecting the employment outcomes for individuals in potentially vulnerable states: job seekers, mothers of new-born children, teenagers and young adults entering working life as well as mature adults with vocational education. In so doing, we take a life-course perspective focusing on processes of accumulation of (dis-)advantages, with a window of analysis that stretches from the short to the long term. We also pay particular attention to the resources that individuals have and evaluate social policies that aim to deal with vulnerability.

During Phase 1 (2011-2014), this project was entitled "Economic inequalities: Towards pathways out of vulnerability" (IP4).


Raphael Lalive
Michele Pellizzari


Prof. Giuliano Bonoli, Prof. Mauro Cherubini, Prof. Daniel Oesch, Prof. José Ramirez, Prof. Martina Viarengo
Dr. Julie Falcon, Dr. Joelle Latina, Dr. Giannina Vaccaro

PhD students
Lionel Cottier, Maria Soledad Fernandez, Kalaivani Karunanethy, Mailys Korber, Fabienne Liechti, Patrick McDonald

Junior SNSF researcher
Alessandro Di Nallo

Research assistants
Hélène Benghalem, Gabriela Villalobos Zuniga

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