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LIVES Visitor grants 2025

15 Nov 2024

Call for candidatures

LIVES visitor grant for scholars at the Universities of Lausanne & Geneva


The Swiss Centre of Expertise in Life Course Research LIVES, located at the University of Lausanne and University of Geneva, offers visitor grants for scholars from outside Switzerland who wish to visit and engage in joint research with members of the LIVES Centre in Lausanne or Geneva. The purpose is to foster the exchange of ideas and stimulate joint research.


  • Scholars at various levels of academic advancement are eligible for the visitor grant, such as doctoral students, post-doctoral researchers, lecturers and professors.
  • Scholars are eligible for the grant if they plan a research stay of at least two months (longer stays are possible) onsite in Lausanne or Geneva (please note that visits cannot take place in July and August).
  • The visitor grant cannot be obtained for visits to PhD supervisors (including co-supervisors).


  • Individuals awarded a visitor grant agree to work on-site (in Lausanne or Geneva), participate in LIVES activities, and present their research during a staff seminar announced by LIVES.


  • The visitor grant covers travel and accommodation costs, up to a total of CHF 3000. It does not cover other expenses, such as local transportation, food, or insurance.
  • Grants are paid only after the visit, upon presentation of valid receipts. Only expenses incurred during the calendar year 2025 can be reimbursed by the visitor grant.

Submission for the visitor grant

Applications for the grant can be sent until November 15, 2024, for research stays that take place in 2025. They should be sent to at the University of Lausanne or at the University of Geneva. Please submit the following documents in English in one single PDF document (containing the applicant’s last name in the file name):

  • A cover letter explaining the reason for the visit (including the dates planned for the visit[1])
  • A research plan of no more than 1 page, outlining the planned research at the host university
  • For doctoral students: an abstract of their PhD thesis (no more than 250 words)
  • A support letter (e-mail) from the member of LIVES who will be the visitor’s local contact person
  • A CV with a publication list

For questions concerning the call, please contact LIVES director Daniel Oesch at University of Lausanne ( or LIVES co-director Clémentine Rossier at University of Geneva (

Assessment criteria

Visitor grants will be awarded on the basis of the following criteria: 

  • Quality of the planned research, its potential, and topical fit with the LIVES Centre 
  • Collaborative dimension and added value of the research stay for the LIVES Centre 
  • Scientific qualifications of the applicant

Please note that visitor grants are competitive, as the number of applications generally exceeds the funding available at the LIVES Centre.


The outcome of the visitor grant will be communicated by December 15, 2024.


Please note that, unfortunately, the visitor status involves some paperwork, especially for non-EU/EFTA citizens who may need to wait at least three months to obtain a visa.