On Thursday 28 April 2022, thirty associations as well as migrant women and LGBTIQ+ people met with researchers from UNIGE, HETS and UNIL to discuss 7 themes around migration and equality in Geneva. In the afternoon they developed public policy recommendations. The objectives of the day were to take stock of the living conditions of migrant women and LGBTQI+ people in Geneva, to identify the problems, gaps and needs of these people as well as to define practical proposals to improve public policies.
The themes discussed were the following
- Access to justice for people without legal status (victims of domestic and sexual violence)
- Social and professional integration for migrant women
- Social and professional integration for LGBTIQ+ people
- Free choice in love and sexuality
- Intersectional discrimination in the public space
- Single parenthood
- Access to health (physical and mental) for people without legal status or in precarious situations
The day concluded with the restitution of the recommendations resulting from the workshops and a round table with representatives of the institutions:
- Colette Fry from the Office for the Promotion of Equality and the Prevention of Violence,
- Nicolas Roguet from the Office for the Integration of Foreigners,
- Olivier Sanglier from the Hospice général,
- Milena Chimienti from the Haute école de travail social / Labo Intermigra
In order to leave a contribution of this event, a report will be written and presented to the Geneva authorities.